Psyscope button box
Psyscope button box

psyscope button box

However, on some proportion of trials, the probe was also “recent”, meaning that it had been presented in the memory set on the prior trial.

psyscope button box

They are instructed to respond whether the probe item was present in the memory set (i.e., positive probe) or was absent (i.e., negative probe). In this task, participants see a memory set that contains several items to remember, followed by a brief delay period, and then a single probe item. Much of the recent research examining interference control during WM has utilized the “recent probes” task. Specifically, we examine the distinction between early and late-acting forms of interference control, and how these might be potentially impacted by individual differences in WM-relevant variables such as fluid intelligence. In the current study, we extend this work, by investigating two factors that may influence the neural mechanisms of interference control, but which have received relatively little attention to date: temporal dynamics and individual differences. This work has highlighted the importance of specific forms of interference – such as that due to previously encoded, but currently irrelevant information (sometimes referred to as proactive interference) – and specific brain regions – such as the left inferior prefrontal cortex (PFC). In the last decade, there has been increased attention within the cognitive neuroscience literature towards understanding the neural mechanisms underlying interference control during WM. Indeed, individual differences in interference control are strong predictors of WM capacity, and other domain-general cognitive abilities, such as fluid intelligence (gF). More recently, it has been appreciated that interference may play a fundamental role in limiting the capacity of WM, thus highlighting the importance of mechanisms that exert control over interference. In the classic Baddeley model, control mechanisms are critical for managing updating and transformation processes applied to information stored in short-term storage buffers. There has been a long-standing appreciation of the close relationship between working memory (WM) and executive control.

Psyscope button box